Delegate Tony McConkey's Official Blog

Baltimore City Prison Scandal Joint Legislative Briefing

Baltimore City Prison Scandal inquiry delayed. Joint press release by the leaders of the Maryland House and Senate calling for a joint legislative briefing from the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services and Secretary Maynard concerning the Baltimore City Prison Scandal. The announcement cancelled and a scheduled briefing by the House Judiciary Committee scheduled for May 8, 2013.


Thomas V. Mike Miller, Jr., President
Michael E. Busch, Speaker

For Immediate Release:
May 3, 2013
For More Information:


ANNAPOLIS, MD – Today, Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller, Jr. and House Speaker Michael E. Busch announced a joint public briefing for Senate and House leaders by corrections officials, in light of the recent indictments at the Baltimore City Detention Center. The briefing will be held before the Legislative Policy Committee in June.

The Presiding Officers commended Secretary Maynard for initiating the federal investigation in an effort to root out suspected corruption and gang activity inside the Detention Center.

“Secretary Maynard did the right thing by forming the Maryland Prison Gang Task Force and initiating the federal investigation, but it is the responsibility of the legislature to ask the tough questions about what is working and what is not working in our prison system,” said Speaker Michael E. Busch. “We need to take a broader look at the policies governing the correctional system, including hiring, training and disciplinary processes and efforts to combat gang violence. I think it is only appropriate that we do this in conjunction with the Senate and leaders from each committee and both parties, given the importance of these issues.”

The Legislative Policy Committee briefing will focus on the circumstances that may have contributed to the criminal activity alleged in the federal indictment and begin a conversation about long term corrective action.

“This is a critical issue that warrants our immediate attention,” said Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller, Jr. “While we have to be very careful not to impede or interfere with the integrity of the legal process surrounding these indictments, we have to seriously evaluate what can be done to combat this kind of insidious criminal activity in the State’s correctional system.”

Following the briefing, the Presiding Officers will appoint a special task force to identify legislative and budgetary measures that can be put in place during the 2014 legislative session to augment the Department’s administrative efforts to address the situation.

The Legislative Policy Committee is comprised of the leadership of both the House and the Senate, including all standing committee chairs and the leadership of both parties. The June meeting date for the Legislative Policy Committee is being finalized and will be announced in the coming days.

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