If you are thinking about joining the new administration of Governor-Elect Larry Hogan, the Hogan Transition website is live
With a brand new administration and a change in political parties the administration will have many positions to fill. In addition the State of Maryland has more political appointments in state government than most any other and so there are many opportunities in many many areas of expertise including hundreds of part time boards and commissions in which you can become a part of the new administration. Please consider taking a role in this historic opportunity and consider the many options.
This E-mail was received November 14, 2014.
Good Morning!
Please make sure your “folks on the street” who helped us during the campaign know about our transition website. ANYONE interested in a job or appointment with the Hogan Administration is encouraged to apply through the website. (Share freely) All applications and resumes will be accepted ONLY through the website. All requests to be part of the Hogan Transition Team will be taken through the website too.
So – dust off your resumes and apply! Hogan Transition Website
Chris Cavey
Campaign Director
Congratulations!!! I am glad that the O’Malley era of heavy taxation has ended in my beloved Maryland. Unfortunately so did the great national reputation Maryland once held in the area of corrections. Please restore sensible leadership to Public Safety and Correctional Services. I am a correctional profession who started my career in the Maryland Division of Corrections, where I rose through the ranks and served for 27 years. I retired and served in Washington D.C. as Warden of the D.C. Jail for 4 years. I am currently working as a correctional administrator in Pittsburgh. Please restore Maryland’s reputation in this field. I would love to return home if sensible leadership was restored. The current leadership doesn’t even know they need help.