Delegate Tony McConkey's Official Blog

Maryland Common Core Hearing January 28, 2014

annapolis-legislative-services-buildingMaryland Common Core Hearing in Annapolis in the Joint Hearing Room in the Legislative Services Building

The date of the Common Core Hearing was moved from January 9th to Tuesday, January 28th, due to the fact that Anne Arundel Schools Superintendent Mamie Perkins has agreed to join Dr. Henry Johnson from Maryland State Department of Education for the presentation. Ms. Perkins was invited from the outset but had to get approval from the School Board before she could confirm her participation.

The time of the hearing is 6:00 PM, on January 28, 2014, in the Joint Hearing Room in the Department of Legislative Services Building.  We hope you can attend.

Department Of Legislative Servicesjoint-hearting-room

1 Comment

  1. Edward C. davenport

    Dear Sir/Madam:

    Please be advised I wish to be heard at the Common Core repeal hearing scheduled for January 28th.
    While it might pose a challenge, I feel I can make my case within the allotted 3-minutes.

    Please be so advised.

    Edward Davenport


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