Delegate Tony McConkey's Official Blog

Oklahoma Third State To Repeal Common Core

repeal-common-coreOklahoma repeals and replaces common core, third state to repeal common core

The Heartland Institute, June 12, 2014

Last week Oklahoma joined Indiana and South Carolina as the third state to repeal the Common Core State Standards. Not only is Oklahoma withdrawing from Common Core, but the new law also specifies that the new state standards, implemented by August 2016, must be adequately different than the Common core standards in order to prevent the re-adoption of Common Core under a different name.

“Common Core was intended to develop a set of high standards in classrooms across the nation that would ensure children graduated from high school prepared for college and a career in an increasingly competitive workforce. It was originally designed as a state-lead – not federal – initiative that each state could choose to voluntarily adopt,”Gov. Mary Fallin said upon signing the bill. “Unfortunately, federal overreach has tainted Common Core.”

In her testimony before the Oklahoma Interim Committee on Common Core, Joy Pullmann, a Heartland research fellow, urged state legislators to abolish Common Core testifying “America’s economy and education system worked well when both largely allowed individuals and communities to follow their own plans”.

Several other states are also considering legislation to suspend the enactment of the standards or do away with them completely. In Missouri, Gov. Jay Nixon is considering a bill passed by the legislature last month to have working groups come up with new content standards over the next couple years while lawmakers in North Carolina have also passed bills concerning Common Core.

The Heartland Institute – which also publishes School Reform News and other publications you may recognize – is happy to send an expert to your state to testify or brief your caucus, help organize an event in your state, or distribute further information on Common Core or any other issue. If you have any questions or comments, please contact Heartland at or 312/377-4000.or 312/377-4000.

For more information on Common Core in Maryland

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