Delegate Tony McConkey's Official Blog

OMalley Brings Up Rear In New Hampshire Poll

omalley-brings-up-rear-in-new-hampshire-pollOMalley Brings Up Rear In New Hampshire Poll

By Bryan P. Sears in the Daily Record

Outgoing Maryland Gov. Martin J. O’Malley continues to trail a field of presidential hopefuls in a poll of likely New Hampshire voters. Of those polled in a new Bloomberg Politics-Saint Anselm poll, just 1 percent said they would vote for O’Malley, who is term-limited and will leave office in January when Republican Gov.-elect Larry Hogan is sworn in.

O’Malley finished dead last in a field of six potential Democratic presidential hopefuls. Former first lady and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton received 62 percent of the vote in the survey followed by Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren with 13 percent; Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, 6 percent; Vice President Joseph Biden, 5 percent; and outgoing Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick with 2 percent. Bloomberg reports that the poll “results harbor dangerous signals for Democrats.”

“When asked which party’s nominee is more likely to ‘care about people like you,’ a trait traditionally associated with Clinton’s party, voters were almost equally divided, with 40 percent saying Democrats and 39 percent picking Republicans,” according to the report. “In exit polls conducted after the 2012 presidential election, 55 percent of New Hampshire voters sided with President Barack Obama and 42 percent with former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney when asked to select the candidate who ‘is more in touch with people like you.’”

The results for O’Malley show that he has failed to gain a foothold despite a slew of appearances in key 2016 primary states over the last few years. O’Malley will lose the visibility that comes with being governor at the same time that Lt. Gov. Anthony G. Brown, whom O’Malley supported, lost the governor’s mansion in a state considered very blue by most political observers.

A year ago, O’Malley took his “Believe” campaign to New Hampshire in an appearance before that state’s Democrats at the state party’s annual Jefferson Jackson dinner. During the speech, O’Malley spoke to the audience about his time as mayor of Baltimore and showed a nearly 4 minute video that looks a lot like a video meant to introduce a potential presidential candidate. But the polling has repeatedly shown O’Malley bringing up the rear.

In an October poll conducted by the Sarah T. Hughes Field Politics Center at Goucher College found that O’Malley had a 41 percent favorable rating in Maryland and that only 19 percent of those surveyed wanted him to run for president. Mileah Kromer, director of the center, said at the time that the results indicated a lot of enthusiasm for a potential Hillary Clinton candidacy.

In August, O’Malley told the Fusion Network he was “seriously considering” a bid for president in 2016.

In July, a Gallup Poll found that 69 percent of those surveyed had never heard of O’Malley.

In December 2013, a Des Moines Register poll found O’Malley was little more than a footnote in that state.

In May 2013 a New England College poll showed Clinton leading the pack with about 65 percent of those surveyed saying they would vote for her. O’Malley finished dead last in a field of six.

Also in May 2013, O’Malley finished in a similar position in a poll conducted by Quinnipiac University.

A March 2013 poll conducted by the Washington Post found that Clinton was more popular in Maryland than O’Malley.

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