Delegate Tony McConkey's Official Blog

Tony McConkey ReElection Campaign To The Maryland House of Delegates

mcconkey-reelection-campaign-2General Election is November 6, 2018tony-mcconkey-reelection-campaign

Thank you for your support. We gratefully thank the voters of District 33 for the Primary Election victory on June 26, 2018, making Tony McConkey the Republican nominee for Delegate in the Nov 6, 2018 General Election. Tony is running for his 5th term in the Maryland House of Delegates.


Please E-mail to request a yard sign or bumper sticker, or to volunteer to help with a parade or signwave.

Click here for the District 33 Map


2018 Endorsements

2014 Endorsements

Thank you for your interest in the Tony McConkey reelection campaign, click here for more 2018 Maryland election news


  1. Don Patterson

    I’m in room 318 attending meeting with Delagate McConkey.
    Don Patterson

  2. Michael Odell

    Thank you for all your help in Annapolis, keeping down the spending and only supporting things that will help all our Citizens in your district 33 and state. Also the U.S. Term Limit resolution on Congress and sponsoring the convention of states resolution to straighten our federal constitution, restore our state power back to our legislators and restore our Republic


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