Delegate Tony McConkey's Official Blog

Victory For The Hudson Family Farm

tony mcconkey state news

Hudson Family Giving Thanks

Hudson Family Farm finally wins in court after three years of persecution

Yesterday a federal judge ruled in favor of the Hudson Family Farm in a controversial case that has been debated in court and in the media for several years. On the one side is David, the Eastern Shore family farmners and their two children trying to make a living raising chickens, and on other side, Goliath, the self righteous New York based environmentalists with the help of the the University of Maryland Law School.

Goliath lost. Goliath’s persecution of the Hudson family farm while ignoring the facts of the case for the greater good of the protection of mother earth was insulting and repugnant to almost everyone who took the time to learn the facts. The situation was best described by the President of the National Chicken Council, Mike Brown, who said “Today’s ruling is a win for Delmarva’s family farmers and against radical environmental activists who disregard the facts, sue first and ask questions later.”

Bitterly contested, U.S. District Court Judge William M. Nickerson ruled, after a two week trial in October, that the Waterkeeper Alliance failed to prove that the Hudson family farm’s chicken houses were polluting a tributary of the Chesapeake Bay.

The judge criticized environmentalists that helped bring the lawsuit. He wrote that the Waterkeeper group was trying to use the litigation to force poultry companies to alter or abandon their operations on the Eastern Shore, the judge said he “observed in her testimony and her conduct a certain ‘ends justifies the means’ approach, where truth can be ‘spun’ to achieve a desired goal.”

The Hudson Family Farm raised chickens under contract with Perdue Farms who summed up the case in the Baltimore Sun: “Perdue and the Hudsons were convenient targets in the Waterkeeper Alliance’s national campaign against modern agriculture,” Perdue spokeswoman Julie DeYoung said in a statement. “The Assateague Coastal Trust and University of Maryland Environmental Law Clinic were enthusiastic partners in this reckless witch-hunt against Maryland farmers,” she added.

In addition, the fact that this frivolous case was taxpayer subsidized throught the University of Maryland made the lawsuit even more egregous. The law school which through its clinics professes to help the little people teamed up with an out-of-state organization against a Maryland family. How absurd! For its role the law school has received great criticism throughout the state, including many legislators and the governor.

The attorney for the Hudsons is considering asking the court to require the environmental groups to pay the Hudsons’ legal fees, which I believe is entirely appropriate in this case.

Click For More Information On The Persecution Of The Hudson Family Farm

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